Lord, I've never moved a mountain,
And I guess I never will;
All the faith that I could muster,
wouldn't move a small ant hill.
Yet, I'll tell you, Lord, I'm grateful.
For the privilege knowing thee,
And for the mountain moving,
Down through life you've done for me.
When I needed grace to lift me,
From the depths of deep despair.
And when burdens, pain, and sorrow.
Have been more than I could bear.
You have always been my helper,
To restore life's trouble sea.
And to move these little mountains,
That have looked so big to me.
Many times when I've had problems,
And when bills I've had to pay.
And the worries and the heartaches,
Just kept mounting every day.
Lord, I don't know how you did it,
Can't explain the where's or why's.
All I know, I've seen theses mountains,
Turn to blessings in disguise.
No, I've never moved a mountain,
For my faith is far too small.
Yet, I thank you, Lord of heaven,
You have always heard my call.
And as long as there are mountains,
In my life I'll have no fear.
For the mountain moving -Jesus
He shall make them disappear.
Author unknown