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I was looking through my senior high school year book when I ran across pictures of Amy, Becky, and me. Amy and Becky were my best friends from kindergarten all through high school. We were called Amy, Becky, and Sarah, the three musketeers. I couldn't help but think of the Halloween night back when we were ten years old. Amy had asked me to go trick or treating with her and Becky. I declined knowing how mischievous Amy could be. The next day at school Amy told me about the adventures of her and Becky going trick or treating the night before. Looking back on it now it is amusing, but at the time I'm sure it wasn't very amusing to Amy or Becky.
Amy rushed through the door all in a dither that Halloween evening. She was completely out of breath. “Dad,” Amy yelled, “Is it all right for me to go trick or treating with Becky tonight? I promise we won't get into any trouble.”
Amy's father peered over his horn rim glasses. He remember the episode where Amy went to the yard sale and came home with three jet-black mischievous ponies that he couldn't return to their owner. Old man Frazier would never in his lifetime take back anything he had sold. He was stuck with three ponies that raised havoc with every animal on the farm.
Then, there was the time that Amy told Becky she would get black tongue if she drank milk. She told Becky if she got near the horses she would get tetanus, and then went on to explain that tetanus was lock jaw. She had told Becky her jaws would lock and she would never be able to talk again.
But, after thinking it over Amy's father couldn't think of too much mischief that Amy could get into just going trick or treating in the neighborhood. So he told Amy she could go with Becky as long as they stayed right in the neighborhood where they lived.
What Amy didn't tell her father was she intended to take her two horses, her pony, her old feeble dog that could barely walk and the new born puppy that yelped its head off at the least thing.
When it became dusky dark Amy grabbed the flashlight, and told her father they would only be gone about an hour. She put a halter on the two horses and the pony, and on the halters she fastened a pointed hat. After all, if they were going trick or treating they should be dressed for the occasion. Now all she needed to do was manage to get a pair of her old pajamas on the old dog. She struggled and pulled and finally got the pajamas on the dog. Since the dog could barely walk, she had to think of some way to take her along with them. First, she had to dress the puppy, and with it being so small, the only thing she could think of was to stick the puppy down inside the plastic pumpkin that sat on their porch every Halloween night. Then it came to her; she knew how she would get the old dog and the puppy around trick or treating. Becky's little brother had a wagon and she was sure she could get Becky to let her use it.
Amy ran to Becky's house as fast as her legs would carry her. Becky was very reluctant at first about taking the animals trick or treating, especially since Amy wanted her to pull the wagon with the old dog and the puppy in it. But Amy explained that she couldn't pull the wagon and lead two horses and a pony. She told Becky that animals had a right to have fun on Halloween, too. She accused Becky of being prejudiced against animals, and that's when Becky gave in and agreed to pull the wagon.
The night turned out to be a disaster. Things went all right at the first few houses. The neighbors thought it was cute the girls bringing the animals trick or treating with them. They gave the horses and pony carrots and apples, and they gave the old dog a dog bone. Since the newborn puppy was unable to eat anything, they gave the puppy a pat on the head.
It was when they got to Mrs. Kipper's house that everything went wrong. Mrs. Kipper was a grouchy old lady that never gave out any treats at Halloween. But Amy convinced Becky that they should take the animals up to Mrs. Kipper's door anyway. Mrs. Kipper came to the door scowling; she was muttering under her breath that they may as well leave, because she wasn't giving them young'uns anything. Mrs. Kipper had forgotten to put on her glasses and when she saw the horses and the pony with the pointed hats on, she fainted dead away. Amy and Becky took off home as hard as they could go. Amy put the horses and the pony in the barn and put the old dog in her house. She took the puppy back to its momma, and then she went into the house not making a sound. Her father looked up from the newspaper he was reading. He asks if they had a good time, and where were the treats they had went out for. Amy told her father that they ate the treats; and they didn't go too many places. Her father said he was glad they had a good time and went back to reading his paper. Amy told her father goodnight and went upstairs to her room.
A few minutes later Mrs. Kipper called. She had revived from her fainting spell. She told Amy's father there were three witches on her porch with Amy and Becky and they were huge. She said the witches made a snorting sound, and they had a wagon with something in it that looked and sound like a baby crying with a larger child in the wagon, but it didn't make a sound. Amy's father yelled, Amy, get down here this minute. You have some explaining to do.
Amy came slowly down the stairs trying to think of some excuse. The only thing she could think of was she had no words to explain why she had taken the animals along with her trick or treating.
Years later Amy's father told her he could hardly keep from laughing when she said she had no words to explain what she had done. Of course, Amy was grounded for an entire month. I don't remember Amy getting into any mischief after that incident. I think I'll give Amy a call and ask her if she remembers how mischievous she was as a child.
Copyright © 2007 Jo Ann Lovelace. All Rights Reserved.
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