Grandma's chair's stored away,
since she's no longer here.
It brings back many memories,
of a Grandma who was dear.
She would sit in that chair,
she would sew or break beans.
She often told about her parents,
never living beyond their means.
Her poppa plowed the fields,
with much help from her mother.
Grandma pulled weeds most days.
beside her sisters and her brother.
She went to a one room school,
teachers taught one through eight.
Grandma was always punctual,
and not once was she late.
Grandma learn how to read,
subtract and how to add.
How to multiply and write,
on a simple tablet pad.
She went to church on Sundays,
she always looked so neat and clean.
Those dresses made from feed sacks,
was the prettiest you'd ever seen.
I would listen to her stories,
listened for hour after hour.
She told about her childhood,
while sitting in that chair.
I remember Grandma telling,
how they always knelt to pray.
She was a special Grandma,
and I still miss her yet today.
Copyright © 2011 Jo Ann Lovelace. All Rights Reserved.