By Jo Ann J. Lovelace

She's up early in the morning,
Cooks biscuits and gravy.
Does the dishes by hand,
And then rocks the baby.
Puts on a pot of soup beans,
It'll soon be dinner time.
Cleans the house and barn,
Of all the dust and the grime.
For supper she'll fix leftovers,
And bake a pone of cornbread.
And gives the baby a bath,
Before she puts her to bed.
Takes the baby from the wash tub,
She smells so clean and sweet.
Then she plays this little piggy,
With her little baby's feet.
Then she thanks the good Lord,
For all her blessings and joy.
And thanks the Lord every night,
For her baby and her cowboy.

Copyright ©  2002  Jo Ann Lovelace. All Rights Reserved.