Arthur Ritis came to visit,
Kept knocking on the door.
I cut myself a piece of cake,
And then I ate three more.
Lum Bago gave me a call,
The reason I don't know.
I ignored Lum Bago too,
And made some cookie dough.
Charley Horse kicked me,
Made my leg really smart.
Made me some brownies,
Using a mix from Wal-Mart.
Then Newt Raljah dropped by,
I just let the doorbell ring.
I made a batch of cupcakes,
That would've honored any king.
Newt Ritis came driving in,
That evening I guess about six.
I pretended not to be at home,
And made hot coca from a mix.

Ty Lanol and Ben Gay,
said they'd lend a hand.
Neither did a dogged thing,
And a liar I can't stand.
Will Power was suppose to help,
But he laid out that day.
I tried to do it on my own,
But gained ten pounds anyway.